The woman dubbed by The Sun as "stupid idiot". Deservedly.

Samantha Marson is the 21 year old student from Bridgnorth who is now (21.1.2004) sitting in Dade County Jail in Miami Dade (of course the home turf of U.S. TV's coolest cop Horatio and his gang of CSI: Miami) after allegedly repeating three times to a security officer at Miami International Airport that she carries three bombs in her back pack. She apparently thought this was funny.

As she was not able to cough up the 2700 pounds for her bail, she will probably reside as a guest in the land of the free's hospitality unit until brought to trial. She had spent three months with her boyfriend in the US and was returning to the UK to get a new visa.

While being there, she must have obviously not been able to watch TV and listen to the Radio, because otherwise she would have perceived that the U.S. is a country in a heightened state of paranoia, especially afraid of foreigners with a weird accent making bomb threats.

Well, now she knows. And I doubt wether Horatio can get her out of that one.

Source: The Sun, BBC News