As we sailed the harsh uncharted ocean to our homes on Ithaka, the sun beat down upon my crew and me; however, not all of my crew remained alive. The Laeritians had killed my mutinous crew, and now only my most loyal and most salient men remained; furthermore, we were now running low on supplies, and we badly needed to make a rendezvous with land. Intensifying in their might, the cruel blue waves battered our black boat when we noticed a faint hazy image of land in the distance. Remembering their previous encounter, my crew was reluctant to land there, but I was able to convince them to do so however. With haste, I quickly climbed to the mainsail and unfurled the billowing white sail; my oarsmen took out their oars, and began to row towards land. Remembering our last encounter with the Laeritians, we parked our ship a far distance away from land and surveyed the coastline for any sign of enemy forces, and hoped that we would not encounter any more hostiles. Satisfied that we saw no sign of inhabitants, we still had ambivalent feelings about the island. We knew that we would not find any food or wine on the island if there were any inhabitants, but we thought that we could find a fresh source of water.

As my boat prowed through the water towards the island, I could make out more details of the island; it was a hundred times smaller than Ithaka, but it was filled with lush vegetation on the inside. The island was covered with pristine yellow, sandy beaches, which was dominated by a single, large mountain that rose into the sky like a mast on a ship.

Suddenly, my men and I heard a loud swooshing of wind coming from the sky; we saw an enormously large animal with wings came bearing down upon us. My crew tried to pull out their weapons to defend themselves, but to no avail were their efforts; the ravenous red winged beast swooped above my boat, clutched two of my men in its talons, and swooped into they sky where it feasted on its prey. Horror. Preparing myself for another attack, I pulled out my warped black bow and my quiver full of a motley of eclectic, unused arrows that had yet to taste flesh and blood.

My efforts proved to be useful. The keen eyes of one of my crewmates, Euphrates, spotted a large swarm of these creatures coming towards us. Panicking at first, I eventually calmed down and prayed to Artemis to give me the skill to make my arrows hit their mark. Out of nowhere, a thought hit me, and I realized why those creatures seemed so familiar: I had heard about such creatures while I was in Troy.

As they came closer, I lost all sense of time, as the resonant sound of the twang of the string on my bow and the sound of my arrows flying through the air filled the space around me. Dragons soon started to fall from the sky and into the sea where their watery grave was marked by a large explosion of water into the air. Vengeance.

“Put your backs and row away if you want to live!” I yelled to my men over the heat of battle, just as a dragon flew above our boat, letting loose a torrent of flame; however, the flames missed our boat narrowly and landed on the water, where they conjured steam up from the depths.

My men soon unfurled the large square sail of our boat, a white amalgamation of wood and canvas. Afterwards, we entered open ocean and put some distance between the island and us; the sea breeze began to pick up and started to blow us where ever it was heading to. Prepared for any more hardships ahead, my men and I looked towards the horizon in hope of coming back home.