What on earth is this ignorant rubbish? Where do you get it?

Eyes have evolved forty to sixty times in the animal kingdom, independently on many different principles. There are pinhole cameras, there are curved mirrors, there are compound eyes, there are simple amplified photosensitive cells... every variation of every physically workable arrangement has been hit on by evolution, over and over and over again.

Computer simulations show that even with very slow rates of evolution, complex eyes will blossom in what are geologically negligible periods. Improvements in vision are such a palpably great advantage that selection pressure will pick them up in quick order. So complex trilobite eyes evolve over the Cambrian. Earlier fossils don't show them, but earlier fossils are only preserving the eye sockets anyway. We can't precisely see all the gradual accommodations to ever better optical resolution.

All eyes are complex. They're complex because they evolved. That's what evolution is good at: picking up and running with increasingly better designs. Improvements keep happening, and good ideas get picked up very early.

So eyes are perfect. So no-one wears glasses? Get a life.