Black & White - Hit 'god' game.

This is not a game you try to play with a slow system!!

This game boasts wonderful terrain and creature rendering, as well as a supposedly iconless interface ( reliant on a certain definition of icon ), movement is primary a mouse-driven affair, as is the majority of the spell-casting in the game.
This is where a slow system will be the bane of gamers. Without precise mouse movements it becomes increasingly difficult to play the game at any competitive level, and when your machine is rendering multiple gods, creatures, towns and special effects, the load on slower systems can mean that the mouse will jump from one side of the screen to the other when trying to navigate.

So what constitutes a lower end system when it comes to this title? Listed below are the minimum and recommended requirements as included on the game box. In my personal experience, the recommended system requirements should be taken as the minimum, and the official minimum requirements should be used to determine whether you will be able to install the game.

Minimum system requirements:



  • Internet (2-8 players): 56.6kbps or faster internet connection; 1cd per computer; 1 player per computer.
  • Network (2-8 players): TCP/IP compliant network; 1CD per computer; 1 player per computer.

Note: This game appears to rely heavily upon system RAM more than processor or video card specs. a healthy 128mb boost to my 64mb turned the game from a sluggish, jerky, and unplayable slide-show into a smooth, highly detailed game.

Note #2: Regarding Fondue's comment about the quests in the game. The only thing more annoying that this is trying to influence a village beyond your sphere of influence, when you do not have your Titan/Creature due to an extremely dodgy plot development.