Skid (sk?d), n. [abbr. E. script kiddie a juvenile cracker, ME. skydde, s'kydde; cf. also E. skidmark a shitstain.]

A script kiddie; a usu. young perpetrator of amateurish computer crime.

The larval cracker, the skid or skiddie, may be distinguished from the imago state by its lesser skill, its short attention span, and its lower body weight. The skid attaches itself parasitically to a network and draws sustenance therefrom at the expense of the human, esp. the sysadmin kind.

I am no vain and artless skid,
In AIM or newsgroup bred.

Skid mark or skidmark, the trail or spoor of a skid. E.g. Web site vandalism, rootkits, warez.

Skid, v.

To perpetrate the characteristic acts of a skid; to crack easy targets and without thought.

Whaen skydde skyddyth, wolde that an ars hoyle schytyth.

This has been a Webster 1913 parody.