Role Switch

Enter entire cast, each with one chair. Actor 1 has a stop-watch. They seat themselves in 2 rows, facing the audience. They proceed to watch the audience as if they are the audience and the audience is the actors.

Actor 1: (Stands up) Hi. So this is basically YOUR (gestures to show he means the audience) play. WE (gestures to show he means the actors) are going to be the audience, and YOU (once again gestures to show he means the audience) are going to be the actors. So it's your show. You have 60 seconds. Go. (Starts the stop-watch and sits down)

The cast waits 10 seconds, watching the audience.

Actor 1: Seriously. We're not going to do anything.

The cast waits 10 more seconds, watching the audience.

Actor 1: Come on, do something. It's YOUR play. You still have about 35 seconds.

The cast watches the audience until the minute has elapsed.

Actor 1: And... time. Stops the stop-watch

The cast claps.


Don't expect applause from the audience, but this is the one everybody will be talking about afterwards.