A bunch of friends and I dressed in full medieval garb and donned our funny Monty Python imitation English accents and hopped into a tiny little car (there were 5 of us--one of us was equivalent to the gross tonnage of a small African nation) and drove all the way up to King Richard's Faire (in New Hampshire). We get there, and walk about talking with our funny accents.

Not only did people think we worked there (including people who _actually_ did work there), but they thought we would know the shortest path to the bathroom. That's not the funny part though. The funny part is someone would ask, and we would all huddle up together and discuss it for 15 minutes or so while the person would kind of shift their weight from one leg to the other in a vain attempt to maintain their dignity.

And then Friar John would say, "Well, blimey--wonder what that sign is right there!" And we would all turn and look. We were covering up the sign that pointed to the rest rooms.