While doing an internship, that's right I volunteered to work without pay, at our rural community clinic, I heard another version, different on the whole, of an infamous pencil test. This probably falls into the class of voodoo medicine and should not be performed on those fearing the occult.

You simply attach a pencil to a string, and attempt to hold it perfectly still above the belly of a pregnant cow..woman (Ofcourse all men know that women only become more beautiful when pregnant and I would never say otherwise!) You then predetermine that a linear pattern means it is a baby boy in the making, and a circular pattern makes a prediction of a baby girl. Miraculously, the pencil will nearly always move in one of those directions. The doctor who shared this with me swears that he has a 90% accuracy rate when using this method.

He went further to explain that the pencil most likely moves due to the dark waters of the subconcious mind. The effect is much like that of a Ouija board. His accuracy rate is, however, somewhat astounding and unexplainable.