Upon taking physical science last year, our teacher presented us with his most difficult test of the year one day. I knew the material like the back of my hand, but I had very little confidence in myself because the week before, I had made a D on my homework since I did it a sleep-induced stupor at 4 in the morning. This completely shot me down.

So it was around 2:10 when he began to pass the test papers out. By 2:30, I was finished. I did that scanning-over-my-test thing that serves no true purpose other than to stall for a moment, and I proceded to push my stool away from the lab table (with a loud squeaking sound that caught everyone in the room's attention) and walked to the front of the room to turn in my test. I was the first person to have finished, and I had to form a test stack on my own. I was a bit anxious, when I saw that every other student had returned to working diligently on their test, only halfway through.

I sat down in my desk again and began reading the The Invisible Man, which at the time, I had a female hard-on for at the time, and I was really engrossed in this book. It wasn't until 10 minutes later, and a lot of Mr. Cuss hot action going on, that I suddenly remembered the last page of the test had a back side!

Using my prowess, I somehow managed to sneak up to the front of the room, steal my test from the stack, catching everyone's attention again with the exception of the teacher, and made my way back to my lab table. I know that could be considered cheating, but at the time I didn't care. I was going to risk being caught in order to not make a 70 on this test. I suppose reading Sun Tzu's The Art of War paid off.. I successfully maneuvered my way out of that sticky situation with some great tactics and strategy. Oh yeah.

A week later, the test papers came back. One glance at that paper, and wham! 100.