i left work early today.. early for me, anyway.

i sat on one of the rare A trains that goes directly to my stop and stared out the window, working on a w/u in my head of some of the sights along the way.

as i left the station, i heard the sounds of a protest.

Hey hey, ho ho, sex and smut have got to go!

a group of mostly old people were gathered around the local independent video store, protesting the sale of sex toys and porn. according to a report in the local newspaper, the protest has been going on for weeks now. the shop has already bowed to some demands, moving the 'smut' to a back room and allowing only adult access. but it seems that even the thought of some people getting their rocks off with outside assistance was a threat to these people. a young cop was standing by the store looking vaguely amused.

i was tempted to go and talk to the protesters. i was even wearing my cbldf 'fight censorship' t-shirt under my sweater. and i know silence = death. but i was just feeling too cold and tired and lonely.

i walked home along the bay to try and get my spirits up. there was a fog over the water making it hard to see the nearby islands, let alone the manhattan skyline.

i may patronize the store with some friends later this week. i may talk to the protesters next week. when they reassemble. i may take comfort in the fact that occasionally only one voice would shout in response to the leader's call.

or i may just silently bemoan the loss of more freedom.

apathy is just so seductive sometimes.