I heard your voice the other day.

From behind me a man spoke. I turned half expecting it to be you, but knowing it couldn't be. He was not you. sigh... I didn't want him to stop talking. He asked me if we had an infant seat for bathing a baby so she could sit upright in the tub. I knew we had no such thing. I knew it. I pretended we might just so I could keep him talking to me with your voice. He had your inflections too. If I didn't look at him, I could imagine it was you walking next to me. I didn't want him to leave but eventually it became apparent to him that we didn't have what he needed. I didn't want to let him go, but I could only watch him leave.

He had what I needed.

I still don't want to let you go. It's been almost three months since you left. I search for the impossible. I see hints of you often. I hear you. I feel your thoughts running around my head. You left your mark on me and I will never be the same. Somehow, I know the change is for the better. I still think your timing sucked. I know, I know... it wasn't your fault. It's never your fault! You are not to blame. I wanted more time.

Since when has Death worn a watch?