I have always had a fascination with Lady Godiva and decided to research the story of this legendary woman. Everyone knows she rode naked on a horse but not many people know why. Nudity was considered shameful during that time, especially female nudity, and the taboo hung in the air like a black rain cloud. It was mostly because of the effects of the church's views on humans in general, as being flawed and only beautiful when united with God. To paint human beings or even nature was greatly frowned upon and considered sinful simply because the senses could not be trusted. It was considered sinful to attempt to recreate any of God's majesties, for humans' talents were nothing compared to His. This all changed of course after the Renaissance, but taking into consideration that did not happen until at least 1400 and what the story of Lady Godiva tells she was hundreds of years before her time. May it by myth or legend just for the story to exist I believe gives a wonderful example of the monumental growth of human thinking during that time.

Lady Godgifu better known as Lady Godiva lived in Coventry, Warwickshire between 1040-1080. She was the beautiful wife of Leofric III, Earl of Mercia and Lord of Coventry. According to legend she rode through the town naked in order to get her husband to repeal oppressive taxes imposed on the people of Coventry.

The story says that upon hearing the burden of heavy taxes she continuously pleaded the case to her husband, "If they pay, they starve." He obstinately refused her pleas and ordered her to not bring the subject up to him again. But she still tirelessly begged for him to release the people from the toll. Exasperated by her constant pleas he finally replied that he would grant her request under the condition that she ride naked through Coventry market from one end to the other. On which she replied, "But will you give me permission if I am willing to do it?" and he said, "I will."

Lady Godiva took him at his word and sent out a proclamation that all persons within the town should keep within doors and to close their shutters. Out of respect and adoration for her the townspeople obeyed. Legend says that after undressing she unpinned her hair, which fell just below her knees. As she rode her horse it hung around her body like a veil, "covering everything except her fair legs." She was known to be extremely beautiful and a tailor by the name of Tom could not resist temptation, he was the only person known to disobey her proclamation. He drove a hole in his shutters so he might see her pass. It is said that immediately after seeing her pass he was struck blind. (Peeping Tom)

"Boring a little auger-hole in fear, peep'd -- but his eyes, before they had their will, were shriveled into darkness in his head, and dropt before him."

Upon returning from her ride her astonished husband kept his word and relieved the townspeople from the burdensome tax and she became a Medieval legend.

