My sister had to read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe way back when in fifth grade or so. I remember it because we used to eat Turkish Delight on a somewhat regular basis. What Turkish Delight is, however, is not entirely significant. My sister's teacher, Mrs. Downing, asked her class to bring a dish of what each of them thought Turkish Delight was. The kids brought in lots of things, anything they liked. My sister's dish, the dish I now refer to and know affectionately as Turkish Delight, consisted of:

Fry the chicken in a pan with some oil. Boil the rice in a seperate pot. When the rice and chicken are ready, mix them together in the pan at which time you add the broccoli. Allow the broccoli time to fully cook and you've got Turkish Delight. Granted, it's not the LW&W dish, but a family favorite of mine nonetheless.