welly well well....

what do we have here?

I take a break for a year, and what's all this then?

everything is clean?

e2 is not a community... at best, I'd say it is a VERY BAD ANALOGY.... perhaps a terrible microcosm as it were...

let this be noted for all those everything(tm) historians out there:

Myself, Ryan Gilmartin, came to this place and lurked in the days of e1... I made myself a user co-incidentally around the time of d-man's leaving of this place... I could say, I never knew D-Man, but in a way, we all strive not to ever have to know him....

with that said, I'm taking my leave of this "society".... as we should have no need for any more D-Men.... I am to resign to lurking and quipping snarky comments to my monitor....

furthermore, I have Implied Psychic Consent from They Might Be Giants, themselves, allowing me to put the lyrics to Whistling in the dark on my homenode as some sort of lame testament....


and please, for the love of god, have a good day.