I ended up in Carmona.

I wanted to go to Sevilla. What I did not realise was that there are two Sevilla's. There is the city, Sevilla. There is the province, Sevilla. I wanted to go to the city. I ended up in Carmona.

Carmona is a small town in the province of Sevilla in the state of Andalucía in the south of Spain.

It was a wonderful mistake. Carmona is beautiful. Carmona reminded me of Turkey. A traditional town. Old men sitting in public plazas playing table games. Old women gossiping across alleys out of their second storey windows.

Cobbled streets weaving in an accidental zigzag. In the centre was a castle, a fortaleza, a fortress. Surrounding the town were fortified walls. This town was once a strategic fortification for any army that wished to take the barren terrain of Sevilla.

It was beautiful, in a desolate sort of way. A heavy sandy stone permeated everything. I could sense that this was a place that became unbearably hot in summer. It was winter then, when I was in Carmona. The sun was shining, as it always does, but at night it was cold.

I will always remember the beautiful lion fountain-heads in Carmona. I will always remember the ancient fort in Carmona. I will always remember the animated plazas in Carmona.

I miss you Carmona.