The setting11:45 on September 7th, 2000. COM205 - Mass Communication and Society

teacher: "...ok class, out of those of you who voted for television as your favorite form of mass media, who would like to share what your favorite thing to watch is?"

dumb blond directly in front of me: (raises hand excitedly)

t: "Yes? You there."

db: "MTV"

t: "You like to watch MTV?"

db: (nods excitedly) "It's all I watch!"

t: "It's all you ever watch?"

db: "Yeah...well unless something dumb is on."

myself, a few others: "snort, snicker, ha!"

rest of the class: (looking around to try and find out what funny joke they missed)

t: "Ok then, now let's do some word associations! I'll say a word and you tell me the first thing that comes to mind. Ready? Beer.

class: "Oh, ah Yummy! Fun! Getting Drunk! Yummy!"

me: (checks clock: only 1:13 left...)