Foax, let's face it: Other than NC State, Raleigh is a malarial hellhole. State was a super place to go to school, but let's tally the scorecard:
What was once a charming, bucolic Southern state capitol, the place once descibed as "a vale of humility betwix two mountains of conceit (VA and SC)," has had the charm extracted from it like coal from Mingo County West Virginia hilltopping strip mine - blow the cap off with high explosives and cart away the rubble for quick profit, leaving a smoking hole in the ground.
Too flat to interesting, too hot to be a weather mecca, too big to low stress, yet not big enough to have the amenities of a real city. It has no center, having spread like a gas to occupy all available volume.
Can you beleive this was once voted Money Magazine's "Best place to live in the USA"?
update: This is a bad writeup. I know better. As my single lowest scoring WU, you would think I would change it. Any other wu of mine, any other, and I would change it or have it nuked. But not this one. I still feel as strongly about Raleigh today as the day I punched this sucker in. If you think I'm wrong, please, let's have a dialog...