Here is a collection of recipes designed to complement various Pagan celebrations and rituals, mostly Sabbats but with a few for multiple purposes. These come from various sources, and are all vegetarian (because that's the only kind I needed to collect, except for a couple with optional meat additions). If you celebrate any Pagan or nature-oriented festivals, or just want to try some recipes that are aligned with the symbolism of the seasons, choose a few of these and make them yourself or find a willing helper to experiment with. Most of these are simple and use natural ingredients, and I encourage you to try your hand at baking and cooking; the kitchen's got its own magic. Feel free to /msg me with suggestions or additions.

Sabbat recipes:

¤Yule¤ (Winter solstice)

Gingerbread men
Chocolate shortbread
Dutch holiday cookies
Eggnog sparkle cookies
Eggnog squares
Caretaker farm bread
Yule Log Cake
Cornmeal shortbread
Caraway dinner rolls
Treacle toffee

¤Imbolc¤ (Cross-quarter day between winter solstice and spring equinox)

Divinely spiced wine
Divinity candy
Candlemas sunrise
Angelic biscuits
Honey cake
Brede's Braid Bread
Irish Potato Bread
The Best Scones
Boxty Scones
Maple nut muffins
Lemon bread
Baked croissant pudding
Sour cream and honey cake
Caretaker farm bread
Groundhog Day cake

¤Ostara¤ (Spring equinox)

Fried bread and eggs
Deviled eggs
Divinity candy
Fellowship fruit cup
Be sweet honey cakes
Hot Cross Buns
Soft mead
Ostara pineapple punch
Glazed apple bites
After-dinner wafers
Rosemary sherbet
Candied flowers
Maple nut muffins
Sugar 'n spice cakes
Springtime strawberry bread

¤Beltane¤ (Cross-quarter day between spring equinox and midsummer)

May Day maple hearth bread
Faeryland French toast
Divinity candy
Be sweet honey cakes
Glazed apple bites
After-dinner wafers
Strawberry cookies
Rosemary sherbet
Scones of Edinburgh
Blueberry-peach tart
Mint-flower yogurt drink
Blueberry muffins
Elder flower fritters
May serpent cake
Bealtaine cream pie
Makaronio me feta
Summer pastel cookies
White chocolate-iced blueberry loaf
Blueberry pudding cake

¤Litha¤ (Midsummer)

Fruited Iced Tea
Almond milk
Savory cheddar biscuits
Strawberry cookies
Blueberry-peach tart
Mint-flower yogurt drink
Blueberry muffins
Elder flower fritters
Midsummer passionflower punch
Mom McCoy's lemon chess pie
Summer pastel cookies

¤Lughnasadh¤ (Cross-quarter day between midsummer and autumn equinox)

Cornmeal shortbread
Angelic biscuits
Noodles in faery butter
Boxty Scones
Irish Soda Bread
Rice and peanut crispy bars
Lammas bread
Elder flower fritters
Corn pudding
Cheddar cheese bread
Harvest bread basket
Indian pudding
Brigid's blackberry pie

¤Mabon¤ (Autumn equinox)

Baked apples
Luminous crescents
Cornmeal shortbread
Banana bread
Indian fry bread
Rice and peanut crispy bars
Old-fashioned mulled cider
Corn pudding
Apple bread
Cheddar cheese bread
Harvest bread basket
Indian pudding
Autumn leaf cookies

¤Samhain¤ (Cross-quarter day between autumn equinox and winter solstice)

All hallow's eve cakes
Molasses-ginger animal cookies
Clear-sight carrots
Granny McCoy's pumpkin pie
Samhain cider
Old-fashioned mulled cider
Chocolate de Mexicanos
Green Man Cake
Pumpkin muffins
Indian fry bread
Elder flower fritters
Corn pudding
Cranberry muffins
Pan de Muertos
Pumpkin bread
Autumn leaf cookies
Granny Kat's pumpkin roll

All Sabbats:

Sabbat cakes

Esbat Recipes:

Crescent cakes
psychic physic
Full moon cauliflower
Candlemas sunrise
Rich Esbat biscuits
Welsh honey cakes

Other Recipes:

Thin white icing

For Handfasting:


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