In a year this fucked up and opposite as 2020 has been, will Friday the 13th be an omen of good luck?

I don't know about you, but so good so far for me. I am just sitting here rocking out with my cock out, and no that is not a joke.

The only daytime soap opera worth watching is getting good, the 2020 US election. The fighting words are flying, or if you are about the alliteration using different letter configuration you might prefer the Quarreling comments keep coming.

I wonder if these people ever take the time to put themselves in the place of the intended recipient and try to perceive how the comment might be construed? I dated this nurse once upon a time that would come over and congratulate herself to me after insulting a stranger, usually another mother at a store for how her child was acting, so if you ask me I don't think many people are self-aware to the point they see how bad they look to others. I think a lot of people are too busy patting themselves on the back to realize how dumb their smartass comment really was.

Currently in the whacky make-believe land of the left leaning, Dicktator Trump has commanded the military to surround Washington D.C. and is threatening to shell the supreme court if all the ballots are not recounted by hand because you know tyrants do what tyrants do. Meanwhile, the Bavarian Unified Grammar Socialist party is informing me of multiple spelling airs needing to be core erected, so naturally I ask wear at because if you gnome me personally you wood no I like to up peas everyone. A few of the older People around here are going to be like "I did nazi that one coming."

Joining us now is our pundit on journalistic ethos, Skip McPhearson. Howdy, Skip. What are your thoughts about holding professional journalist liable for their libel?

A Prime time news anchor alleges without evidence Trump is ripping off patriots that support him by misallocating contributions for his current legal expenses accrued with all these lawsuits. This is deformation of character, and before he even goes there a person's past in not an accurate representation of a person's future actions. These reporters have a large audience, and have an air of creditability so I think the threshold for these news caster should be lowered. They need to remain neutral and stop attacking people, or more people going to make the news stations go night-night like the Sandmann did.

Every new agency is focused on one thing, including this dimwit employed by Microsoft whose news segment was filled with more insults than factual statements. Remember, they do not want any form of dissent so they use 'negative reinforcement' to stifle the outliers. They mock what they cannot refute and hope you will join the mockery, ignoring the truth. If everyone is trying to come up with zingers then people will not be fixated on the actual argument.

These news outlets are distracting their viewers by talking about the court motions that are failing but are not asking why would Trump's lawyers filed a bunch of lawsuits designed to slow down the counting of ballots in the first place? It is like "Hum, I wonder why a lawyer would try to drag his feet and buy themselves time," if you can't figure that one out without presuming ulterior motive why don't you go watch a few more lawyer movies with MSN. I heard they had a recent showing of My Cousin Vinny and Liar Liar. While Trump's team is reviewing the mountain of information for admissible evidence join them as they review the entire Legally Blonde collection.

This just in... Breitbart admits dead people are in fact voting. The Zombie apocalypse is here people but don't worry they do not want our brains, it seems, they just want their ballots. This particular zombie featured in Breitbart filed an application for a ballot the day after she was certified as deceased. are claiming the allegations of voter fraud are 'thin' with no evidence but admits this zombie I was just talking about that registered to vote after death was just one of six other to register after death.

My question is at what point, when should we examine these allegations further and allow a deep investigation of voter fraud throughout the entire system? What would we uncover if every state in the union does a hand recount? Why must the burden of proof be set at a volume that must impact the results of the election when the only way to honestly gauge the actual amount of discrepancies in the lot is to sample a larger amount. Judges grant warrants with less information all the time, especially now days. For this election to be considered illegitimate there must be enough evidence for a conviction before a full investigation will even begin. If the same burden was placed on search warrants the police would need more than just probable cause like the circumstantial evidence provided though zombie voters, they would need sufficient evidence to provide a conviction before the judge will even grant a warrant to find the evidence to prove they committed a crime. In other words, this is a game of clue and only through a process of elimination by questioning everyone about "who knows what" can solve the puzzle and if you don't guess correctly you automatically lose. Or to put it another way, the government is not stepping in unless there are enough of zombies voting for their fellow brain-dead candidate "creepy" Joe Biden to a reach critical mass and start the equivalent of a peaceful protest's dumpster fire being pushed ominously close to a court house.

Ok maybe the easiest way to put this is in normal terms is to say these cases could be just the tip of the iceberg.

I guess since I love Titanic iceberg references, here's a beauty from the lad in the crows nest sometime after giving the call 'right ahead' when seeing the tip of the iceberg, "Why ain't they turning?"

Yes, the entire scene can be referenced if a person was inclined to do so, even the infamous forewarning of icy waters from the ship that just happens to be ironically named for this metaphor after a two inconsecutive term president, Cleveland, was ignored. The Titanic, Trump's campaign, went full steam ahead for a ship too big to turn quickly. This human error is probably what sunk that ship, right; the lack of precaution in cold, unforgiving waters? Why should we worry about these zombies voting with relative ease from their coffins? I think the common notion was we shouldn't lose the time because this ship is unsinkable.

However, this error with the software in question, the problem was when a human forgot to update machine's software to fix the glitch with how software displays its inventory. This human error occurred on at least two machines, if remember correctly, could have easily impacted previous elections is where the world's attention is at currently.

The 24 hour news networks are claiming they have been too busy to cover this election information, so I will. The software endorsed by a lobbyist connected to Pelosi and is backed by the Clinton foundation, and is said to be the way the current election was altered in a enormous scale. A scale big enough to rig an election. This coming from the horse's mouth of course, the President of the United States twitter's feed. The kicker is, Texas will not use the software due to security risks and Bloomberg agrees the software is not trustworthy, a Salon article goes into depth when talking with a Georgetown University professor saying the modem that sends tabulation data is hackable and we need a system that allows voter logs to be printed for later verification. This is most likely the unnamed software thought to be cracked in the 2016 election by Russian hackers. Which we all know is the constantly twisting conspiracy we haven't heard the end of in the last four years. So I don't know why so many news stations think Donald's pants are on fire when it took me absolutely no time at all to find this information. It is almost like all the news outlets just took the company's word about the reliability of their software without proof.

I also don't know why people think the president needs to provide sources for a tweet. It is not a court document and it is not an academic paper. I bet these mother fuckers don't provide sources when they post Epstein didn't kill himself, but they demand evidence for something said in a tweet whenever it is convenient for them, like when I lay claim Epstein isn't even dead. The funniest part, I do believe in my humble opinion I have better evidence than those who say he was murdered. That is besides the point, I wonder if they know the definition of hypocrite because they don't act like they do.

Next time we might discuss: Would national reform and a standardization to the election system provide for more security and help ensure trust in our democratic system, or should this remain a state issue? That is if we don't get lost in the weeds talking about how electoral college laws could create a patch work of different possible outcomes depending on how the vote is split.

Which really comes down to whether I want to continue with this whole text-tacular performance in a positive manner.

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