Listed from highest to lowest precedence.
[]  .  ()  ++  --

++  --  +  -  ~  !

new  ()

*  /  %

+  -

<<  >>  >>>

<  <=  >  >=  instanceof

==  !=







=  +=  -=  *=  /=  %=  <<=  >>=  >>>=  &=  ^=  |=

In plain English:
  1. postfix
  2. prefix, unary
  3. creation, cast
  4. multiplication, division, modulus
  5. add, subtract
  6. shift
  7. relational
  8. equality
  9. AND
  10. XOR
  11. inclusive OR
  12. conditional AND
  13. conditional OR
  14. conditional
  15. assignment

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