I would put to you all the question: What word doesn't get to that unfamiliar place between meaning and sound if you repeat it enough?

When you say a word in normal conversation, there is a meaning attatched to that sound you just made. Repeat it over and over, and you lose sight of the meaning, concentrating more and more on the actual noises coming out of your mouth. Disbeliever? Infidel? Try it yourself.

If it's your first time, give yourself plenty of time to dissociate any feelings or emotions that are attatched to this articulation. Let's use "mother" - forget the meaning of the word, the feeling that you get when you think of your own mother, and anything else you think you know about this combination of utterances. Thats all it is. Those six letters dont represent or embody your mother, do they? Of course they don't. Don't even think about the letters themselves. Just hear the sound when you say it. mother. mother. mother. Sometimes it helps to vary the speed a little. Say it quickly. Say it uniformly. Just keep saying it. It really will come in a moment of enlightenment one of these times. That moment is great...and you will hear "mother" that way for a good hour or so. You can't force it back together with its meaning or personal connotation, It'll just fall back there, waiting for you to split it up again.