Everything2 is a collection of user-submitted writings about more or less everything. Spend some time looking around and reading, or learn how to contribute.

Cream of the Cool

"The x day of July...ther ded in London mony marchants and grett ryche men and women, and yonge men and old, of the new swett."

- From the diary of English merchant Henry Machyn,
recording the arrival of the English Sweating Sickness in London, July 1551.

"Both victor and vanquished
are but drops of dew -
but bolts of lightning –
thus should we view the world.

“This is the weapon of a true OG. Not as clumsy or random as a spliff; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.”
― Obi Wan Kenobi

The blunt is the lightsaber of cannabis smoking. To master blunts is to master two herbs, cannabis and also tobacco, and therefore to have developed a fine taste for the mixing of two broad and subtle palates that overlap only in strange places. This is not to say one must be a master to enjoy the art of the blunt, only to frame for those

The Dead Internet Theory is a conspiracy theory that, when we take the conspiracy theory out of it, ceases to be an unrealistic or far-fetched idea, and starts to be very obvious. Like many theories (such as the Anthropic principle), it has strong and weak forms. The strong form is a variant on the great conundrum of stoner epistemology: what if everyone else in the world is a robot, dude? The weak version is that the internet sure has changed, hasn't it?

I don't believe that I am the

A tax on something that causes social harm.

"One who desired knowledge of man apart from the fruits of knowledge would seek it in the history of religious enthusiasm, of martyrdom, or of love; he would not seek it in the market-place."
Arthur Pigou

The English economist Arhur Pigou constructed a Utilitarian argument that, in short, highlighted the need to increase the cost of harmful activities, with a