user since
Tue Aug 8 2000 at 03:21:56 (23.9 years ago )
last seen
Tue Apr 24 2001 at 23:47:42 (23.1 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 2
mission drive within everything
To find out why people hate.
Chillin', Listening, that, and I can make a bong out of anything, practically!
Dudes, I got kicked out of Community College, for Christ's sake! I'm never going to make it in the real world!
Admit when you're wrong, and stand up for what's right.
Send private message to wonkabar_69

Kicked out of Community College, betrayed by Walt Disney World, I now walk the Earth with one thing in mind: "Where's the toy section?"
I'm 20, (That's 4 1/2 in dog years) so I can't buy liqour. And judging by my friend Jeremy, I don't think I will when I can. He's a lush, since his 21st birthday. I'll just stick with things that are illegal, I guess.
I'm trying to live life with a total absence of hate in and around me, peace, if you will. But it's hard with all of the assholes around our lives, isn't it?