I do not like thee, Mr. Spock.
The reason why, I cannot grok.
Here's how you do it:
2004-01-07@8:20 (kthejoker) Klaproth says I ate your writeup posthumanism. wharfinger or no wharfinger, this is just kind of lame.
2004-04-13@15:26 (jessicapierce) Klaproth says I ate your writeup The Inscrutable Frog. Copyright. Node Heaven will become its new residence.
It's not a copyright violation. I wrote the damn thing myself as a satire on Emily Dickinson and made up the author. I really liked it, too. So here it is.
The Inscrutable Frog
The Frog that sits
With pursèd lips
Will not discuss
His Thoughts —
And yet — when Rain
Or Wind — should blow —
He'll don his Gloves —
And Box.
From Songs of Ignorance and Impertinence, by Ashram Necropolis, Jr.
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