user since
Wed Jul 15 1998 at 17:45:05 (26.1 years ago )
last seen
Wed Jun 25 2003 at 17:28:01 (21.2 years ago )
number of write-ups
2 - View treylane's writeups (feed)
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 18
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It's now June 2003 (five years since the text below was written, in July 1998), and Dave still hangs around for some reason. :)

Haven't used Enlightenment in rougly five years, since I've gotten complacent in my old age and have decided that the evil Windows is just fine as a DESKTOP. I (try to) administer *nix servers and do various web-related work for a living, since I surely can't get by on my meager cooking skills. :)

I'm Jessica, an 18-year old wannabe geek from San Diego. My hair is only blonde in the sunlight, so I tell people I have brown hair so that I can pretend there's a chance they might take me seriously. :)
I love new toys, so my boyfriend (DAVE!) and I play with Enlightenment when we're not too burned out from work. I do SQL, HTML, and whatever else I happen to be assigned, and I'm working on learning more PERL.... so yeah, I'm one of them....a girlfriend who likes computers.