user since
Tue Mar 23 1999 at 21:19:17 (25.5 years ago )
last seen
Fri Dec 31 1999 at 17:04:57 (24.7 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / -3
mission drive within everything
To make more Yeti Haiku
Counter strike, Linux, Solaris, Mtn Bikes
"I think that gun is loaded..."
most recent writeup
stavro (person)
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Starvo: Latter day Geek. Took the name "Stavro" from The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy" Bastardized it... Got Starvo.

Been on the net since 1990 There was no Web, or E-commerce then.

Runs the ego-centric, Plays too much Half Life. Used to Live in Austin Texas, now lives somewhere near the Wisconsin border, but moreso in Illinois. There's also a Toilet manufacturing company in Holland named Starvo. Go fig.