user since
Fri Sep 24 1999 at 04:42:13 (25 years ago )
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never (?)
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1 - View solios's writeups (feed)
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0 (Initiate) / 17
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A greeting would be pointless. I am a 20yo Macintosh user who used to pal around with Erik Fish back in the day. I was born in Liberty, PA and live in Pittsburgh, PA, neither of which is anything to piss on or write home about. The most notewor.thy events of my life have been graduating from AIP with honors and having screwed up enough courage to openly admit I've been raped.
I own four Macintoshes and I sleep on the floor. I'm a teensy burned out and my goal in life is to make it&.as a writer. You want more? Forget it..