It is traditionally believed that if a person practises most aspects of yoga constantly over a long period of time (often many lives), that the person will begin to remove karmic debt from themselves, and once no karmic debt is left, that person will reach the state of samadhi, and will never be reborn.

But not everyone shares this understanding of yoga - or wants to, and rightly so. There are many different people in the world and yoga is flexible enough to allow people to practise yoga at whatever level is comfortable. Perhaps as a passing interest, a physical sport only, for rehabilitation, to treat a condition, to learn meditation and become one with the universe, whatever. You choose what you want from your yogic experience.

Yoga is available to everyone, and has many rewards. Regardless of its traditional ties with India and Hinduism, yoga is a non-denominational, neutral practise.

Some advantages of practising yoga include:

  • increased agility
  • increased flexibility
  • increased vigour and vitality
  • increased strength
  • improved eyesight
  • clearer eyes
  • improved hearing
  • improved digestive system
  • improved concentration
  • clearer and calmer thoughts
  • moderated blood pressure
  • reduced stress levels
  • improved memory
  • improved circulation
  • improved complexion
  • improved nervous system
  • improved attitude and emotional outlook
  • improved identification, understanding and personal involvement with your religion
  • better understanding of yourself
  • longer and healthier life

While the list of advantages of practising yoga are long, many of these take years of constant practise before they fully develop.

One should learn yoga from a qualified yoga teacher to ensure that everything is done correctly and that no damage occurs.