user since
Sat Dec 16 2006 at 21:53:50 (17.6 years ago )
last seen
Sat Dec 16 2006 at 23:55:24 (17.6 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
i want to be skinny so all my friends will be jealous
cheer and track
a small pricate school
"no food taste as good as thin feels"
Send private message to rocky road

im just starting to join sites that have people like me.
none of my friends know and i wont tell them.
its not like they'll notice me getting thin when they all weigh between 90 to 110 pounds.
i am fat.
i know this.
but i WILL be SKINNY.
115 is my first goal weight.
isnt that sad.
i currently weight 123 pounds.