user since
Sat Nov 7 1998 at 03:55:14 (26 years ago )
last seen
Wed Dec 13 2000 at 00:26:52 (23.9 years ago )
number of write-ups
13 - View pulp's writeups (feed)
level / experience
1 (Novice) / 284
mission drive within everything
To forge those synaptic links best not dealt with by others.
Semantics, shitty puns, lambasting the mediocre without considering my own potential for mediocrity.
Worcester "Home Of The Flame" Polytechnic Institute
Arctic Poptail Cockmix!
most recent writeup
Peter Pan
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Josh Millard, artist, musician, computer geek, jack-of-all-trades, strange sense of humor, eye for beauty, slightly obsessive (like everybody), dedicated to the pursuit of romance and thought, awed by Kibo, David Gilmour, and the late Sta.nley Kubrick, and backed by a 30-day money-back gaurantee.
