Return to You will be advanced socially, without any special effort on your part (idea)

[Fortune cookies] it seem have odd little messages in them, and from time to time they have cute little sayings that ring with deeper [I have an old soul|hidden meaning]. A great example of this is "You have a very [magnetic personality]", what does that mean? We can spend many [hours contemplating the high meaning] of these pseudo-Chinese proverbs, but instead I'm going to focus on just one, and take up 5 minutes of your time.

"You will be [advanced socially], without any [special effort] on your part." If I had received this fortune as a child, I would have [never believed it]; but life is not without irony. For example there is the story of the [Ugly Duckling], where the ugly duckling in the end turns into a beautiful swan.

Unfortunately, I can hear it now, you sit there asking yourself "why is this [deep]… what is the hidden meaning?" Well maybe it isn’t that deep, but the saying does [reflect] upon a part of ourselves that wants to be accepted and cherished by the people around us, also known as advanced socially, since social skills tend to lead to friends who like you. The second part that talks about [lack of effort] on your part also reflects on a deeper part of ourselves that likes good things happening to ourselves with little or no effort, for example [winning the lottery].

Chinese food is usually very good, and sitting around with fortune cookies and [friends] is usually equally as good. A fun game to play with the fortunes is to add the [suffix clause] "in bed" to the little phrase. In this case the fortune statement would turn from "You will be advanced socially, without any special effort on your part" [to] "You will be advanced socially, without any special effort on your part in bed". The moral is to not only look for deep meaning in fortune cookies, but also [hilarity].

