user since
Tue Sep 8 1998 at 06:05:23 (25.9 years ago )
last seen
Fri Aug 3 2001 at 04:24:20 (23 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / -9
troubleshooting, PC hardware, Linux security
University of Minnesota
Heh. Cool.
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Umm.. Well, I'm 22 (good lawd! I haven't been here for years! This thing still said I was 19!) years old, and I'm a student the University of Minnesota.. I've enjoyed tinkering with computers for many years, and especially playing with ingenious software like Linux, OS/2 (well, it _was_ cool...), and anything e.lse that makes people ooh and aah..

I believe that Microsoft should be seriously pounded on by the DOJ, since MS has used anti-competitive practices to get to where they are today. Silly bastards...

Anyway, I hope I get a girl.friend one of these days.. I think I'm a nice guy.. *sigh*

By the way, does anyone out there believe in telepathy?

"Girls, all we really want is girls" -- the Beastie Boys
