user since
Tue Oct 30 2001 at 14:57:30 (23.4 years ago )
last seen
Fri May 24 2002 at 01:17:58 (22.9 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
Expand Knowledge and meet People
Computers (Macs go fig) Trucks (Dodge) and lots of things i am not so good at, but enjoy anyway.
UT Arlington/ James Technologies (yes i am self-employed)
You could do that better on a Mac
Send private message to macaddict

Well I just signed up Oct 30, so while I am trying to learn this system and figure out what to say this will stay pretty blank.

For now:

I go to UT Arlington where i am majoring in Information Systems, I just changed to that this semister. Used to be Comptuer Science and Engineering, but found it was not the right one for me. I am almost 21, just a few more days. I work for myself as a small computer company, James Technologies. I get help from many of my friends, Dann and Zack (who happen to be the same ones to get me to sign up, go fig).

I tend to have well..... um...... to put it nicely.... a "interesting" humor, sometimes non at all, and sometimes only stuff I get. But for the most part I can be pretty even on my scale.

Well that is all for know, till then

Oh yeah, if you care to help me learn this stuff just shoot me a email, i check it a million times a day. (come on... you knew it would have something to do with a mac LOL )