Be glad there's one place in the world
Where everybody knows your name
And they're always glad you came
You want to go where people know
People are all the same
You want to go where everybody knows your name
There is a restaurant that I go to... well, there are a few, but one in particular. Its the Tied House in Mountain View, California. I've been going there for over 4 years now, about once or twice a week.

There is something nice about being able to go in after a long day, sit down and relax. I know that the waitress knows my name... and I know hers. There is no question if I need a menu or not, nor what my drink will be. When they took the rib eye off the menu 2 years ago, the question in the staff meeting was "But what about Michael?". The other day, I was told they're adding a new steak to the menu next week. As new waitress are trained, a point is made of introducing me to them.

Its that feeling of being in a place where, as the song goes... where everybody knows Your Name. Do not forget to make sure that they're always glad you came. It is a much more enjoyable place for you, if you make it enjoyable for others, especially the people who work there.