Never mind my bookmarks, its mostly just a list of nodes with writeups I'm planning to vote up or down should I ever reach twentyfive WU's.
- user since
- Mon Nov 3 2003 at 18:20:35 (21.4 years ago )
- last seen
- Fri Jul 13 2012 at 19:41:05 (12.7 years ago )
- number of write-ups
- 11 - View lusec's writeups (feed)
- level / experience
- 1 (Novice) / 165
- most recent writeup
- Populous: The Beginning
- Send private message to lusec
User Bookmarks:
- 2004 US Presidential Election
- 24 Hour RPG
- A Canadian Apology
- A Power of Facing Unpleasant Facts (thing)
- A Sniper in Every Minaret
- Advice for dealing with children (idea)
- Ain't Nobody's Business if You Do: The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in Our Free Country
- Al Hurra
- Al-Jazeera
- Ambush patrol
- American Gothic
- Americans can't understand Communism
- Anonymity, privacy and E2
- attack ad
- Bad Wedding ideas
- Baldur's Gate II: Thanks heaps for enhancing my aura of inadequacy!
- BDSM is the sign of a sick society
- Beliefs become religious when they become self-referential
- Breasts, otters, creativity and greed
- Bubble Bobble : the Opposite of Sex
- Bust A Groove
- Buying a sword
- Calvin and Hobbes
- Choosing an internet nickname
- CIA World Factbook - Hell
- Classical Christian homeschooling (idea)
- Completely implausible circumstances, even by comic book standards
- Cyberpunk
- Cytherea
- Defense of Stalingrad
- doomkitty
- Dover test (idea)
- Dungeon Keeper 2
- E2 Gothic
- E2 political compass
- E2 Public Relations Issues
- Editor Log: June 2004 (idea)
- Eidolos
- Elizabeth Bathory
- Enya
- Eragon
- Erotic nodes
- Everyone likes the Pope
- Everything Quest - WWII history
- Evoking fear in video games
- Fahrenheit 9/11
- Feeding the Masses: The Dangers of an Unquestioned Media
- Final Fantasy IX vs. My Chair
- First Person Shooter
- Forbidden weapons
- Forging a Japanese sword
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Future Tactics: The Uprising (thing)
- George R. R. Martin
- Getting what you want from tech support
- Giving Up the Gun: Japan's Reversion to the Sword, 1543-1879
- Godwin's Law
- Goth vs. Gothic
- Gothic & Lolita Bible
- graveyards make me wet
- Hawthorne Effect
- Hiroshima & Nagasaki: Was it justified?
- Hiroshima: Breaking the Silence
- Homeless
- Honk if your horn is broken: Where do they get these stupid stickers?
- How to Be a Charismatic Cult Leader
- How to behave at a Japanese sword show
- How to build your own computer
- How to get a Goth out of a tree (idea)
- How to meet the most girls
- How to run a roleplaying game
- How to talk to tech support
- How to unintentionally steal an air-to-air missile (idea)
- I Am the Very Model of a Modern Libertarian
- I am the very model of a modern teenage Cyberpunk
- I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library (fiction)
- Internet piracy and the working writer
- Is it unpatriotic to protest?
- Is Mario Gay?
- January 30, 2006
- Japanese Graduation Ceremony
- Kardaschev types
- kaytay
- Last EXILE
- LateQuest 2007
- lesbian pulp fiction
- Let the motherfucker burn (thing)
- Let's buy Sony
- Liberty Dollar
- Long black leather trenchcoat
- M65 Atomic Cannon (thing)
- Machiavelli's 27 Rules of Military Discipline
- Male Goth stereotypes
- Marriage
- Michael Moorcock
- Misuse of the term "terrorism"
- Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (idea)
- Naginata
- Nanaca Crash (thing)
- neoconservative
- Neuromancer
- No True Scotsman
- Noding speedometer
- Not celebrating Christmas
- November 3, 2004
- November 4, 2004
- November 5, 2004
- November 8, 2004
- On Bush calling for Hussein's execution
- On what's wrong with hip-hop
- Operation American Freedom
- oral sex in middle school
- Ozymandias
- P.G. Wodehouse
- Pascal's wager
- Peer Gynt
- Plural forms of "clitoris"
- post hoc ergo propter hoc
- Princess Tutu
- Problem of Good
- Proof by repeated assertion
- Pulling Report
- Purity and Balance in Asian Cultures (idea)
- Ragnarok Online
- reality-based community
- Religion and historical objectivity (essay)
- Religious Right
- Respect in Asian cultures
- Saikano
- Saishuu Heiki Kanojo
- Satan
- School uniforms
- Science fiction clichés
- sekicho's speech at the Democratic National Convention, 2004 (idea)
- Sex ed in the twenty-second century
- Sex education
- Shoggoth
- SOY! SOY! SOY! Soy makes you strong! Strength crushes enemies! SOY!
- steampunk
- strip club
- Sturgeon's Law
- Suicide
- Support the Troops
- Swear words from science fiction
- Technofetishism (idea)
- Ten reasons why creation scientists don't believe in evolution
- The Cheapening of the Comics
- The employee as customer
- The Fermi paradox
- The gostak distims the doshes
- The joy of going to war
- The Lord of the Rings 1/2: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Middle-earth But Were Afraid to Produce
- The Militarization and Privatization of Public Space
- The Most Expensive Porn in the World (idea)
- The Onion
- The Political Compass
- The pussification of the American cat
- the Ten Commandments in Chicago schools
- The Uncanny Valley
- The Unofficial Guide to TinySex
- The war against terrorism
- The war on Iraq as a moral panic
- The Well of Loneliness
- Theory of Americans
- Thou shalt not disfigure the soul.
- TIE Fighter (thing)
- Tipping The Velvet
- Top 10 Reasons to Elect George W. Bush
- Top 10 Reasons to elect Giant Squid
- Top 10 Reasons to elect Giant Squid (idea)
- Top 10 Reasons to Elect John Kerry
- Top 10 Reasons to Move to Canada Without Electing Any Of These Nitwits
- transhumanism
- Transhumanist Terminology
- un-American
- Uncloaking America's college males: A discursive abjuration of American manhood
- US ranking on the Human Freedom Index
- Video games influence children
- viz
- War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning
- Ways to overthrow a government
- What to do if you are disenfranchised in the United States
- What to do if you've got too many votes on your hands
- When Democracy Failed: The warnings of history
- Where are those polar bears getting all that Coca-Cola?
- Why aren't people real anymore?
- Why is the air force allowed to bomb civilians?
- Why people attack BDSM
- Why the obliteration of privacy can be a good thing
- Why you do not want to work for an ad agency (idea)
- World War II
- World War IV
- Yamagata Aritomo
- You are now entering Dublin, a nice place to puke (idea)
- You can't defend yourself with a gun!
- Your Nodeshells