user since
Tue Jan 19 1999 at 14:20:58 (25.7 years ago )
last seen
Sat Feb 18 2006 at 19:04:30 (18.6 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / -128
most recent writeup
red box (thing)
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I'm webmasta b0b, aka lcracker. I do some webby stuff, and aspire to be a perl monk. I run THE CULT's internet operations at but that'll change eventually even though I recertified. I go to Damascus High Sch.ool, which sucks, and I take a math class at Montgomery College, which also sucks. Being 17 pretty much sucks too especially cause I work all the time, that also sucks. I'll probably go to University of Maryland, not because its close&.to my hometown of Damascus (Which of course is in Maryland, a state that sucks), which sucks, but because its a decent Comp Sci school and I'm a slacker and care not to apply elsewhere. Join THE CULT - it'll make you a better person..