user since
Mon Sep 4 2000 at 22:23:38 (24 years ago )
last seen
Mon Sep 4 2000 at 23:14:26 (24 years ago )
level / experience
1 (Initiate)
mission drive within everything
To propagate marxist ideology and reinvent DaQuake
Weapons, Ideology, Dark, Dark Homer
Scottish Socialist Party
Workers of the world unite - you have only your chains to lose.
Send private message to k_billy

I am Simon Cann from Inverness, but you can call me K Billy.
In case you are wondering, K Billy is the radio DJ from Reservoir Dogs, my favourite film.

My main occupation is my activities as a member of the Scottish Socialist Party. Yes, I'm a Marxist and a dialectical materialist, and as such I will not accept any free-market Tory bullshit from anybody, including you.