user since
Thu Jun 3 1999 at 10:03:17 (25.3 years ago )
last seen
Tue May 23 2000 at 14:54:45 (24.3 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / -7
Mac's, music and annoying my coworkers
firstworld communications
"I thought my life would be more interesting with a musical score and a laugh track"
most recent writeup
Cyberpunk 2020 (thing)
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I'm jeffro. you can learn all about me at but in a nutshell i am a Mac tech at an isp in Fresno CA. I listen to way too much they might be giants and NOFX.

When im on the net im reading macosrumors, slashdot, or jplt. I read alot of william gibson too.