Position of Attention

The position of attention is used in some form in nearly every country with its own armed forces. This writeup details the position of attention as it relates specifically to the United States Army.

The position of attention is the starting position for nearly all stationary, facing, and marching movements. Prior to being given the command to come to attention, soldier(s) are typically first commanded to Fall In. Once the Fall In command is given, the soldiers should get in formation, and prepare and listen for additional commands.

Attention is a two-part command. The word "attention" is preceded by a preparatory command. This preparatory command will designate who the command is being directed toward. Examples include "Squad", "Platoon", "Company", "Demonstrator", etc. Following the preparatory command, the leader of the group will sound off with "ATTEN-TION" {1} with the last syllable highly emphasized. On the last syllable, all soldiers will come to the position of attention as described below:

  • bring the heels together sharply on line with the toes pointing out equally forming a 45 degree angle
  • rest the weight of the body evenly on the heels and the balls of both feet
  • keep the legs straight without locking the knees {2}
  • hold the body erect with the hips level, the chest lifted and arched, and the shoulders square
  • keep the head erect and face straight to the front with the chin slightly drawn in so that the alignment of the head and neck is vertical {3}
  • let the arms hang straight without stiffness
  • curl the fingers so that the tips of the thumbs are alongside and touching the first joint of the forefingers; keep the thumbs straight along the seams of the trouser leg with the first joint of the fingers touching the trousers
  • remain silent and do not move unless otherwise directed {4}


  1. While you can commonly hear it pronounced "A-ten-hut", "A-tin-hut", "A-ten-hun" or something similar, these pronunciations are questionable. The manuals for the US military specifically state that, "To give distinct commands, you must emphasize enunciation; make full use of the tongue, lips, and lower jaw; practice giving commands slowly, carefully, and in cadence". However, tradition holds, and different branches do, and will continue to pronounce the command differently.
  2. It is very important not to lock the knees while standing at attention. Doing so can constrict proper blood flow. During long ceremonies, it is not uncommon for soldiers to pass out because they do not heed this warning.
  3. While it is not specifically mentioned, the eyes should typically be either looking straight ahead or looking (without turning the head) at the person leading the formation.
  4. It is quite common during inspections for a soldier to be asked questions or told to display something (such as dog tags or ID card). In these cases, it is okay for the soldier to move or speak as required.

                                         iKK:                                                         :iiiiiiiiii
                                       fK#KGGff:                                                      KKGGGGGGGGGKKK##KGGGGGi
                                     :GGGfGf   Gi                                                     #Gi:         :iiiiiifGf
                                    :G#f: ff   iGi                                                    Gf                   fi
                                    GKi   ff    :G:                                                   iKf                 f#
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                                   ff:iiii: iiffi f                                                    iKii:  iGi        #G:
                                   if:iK##: GG#Gi Gi:                                                  iKKGf   ff:ii:    GKi
                                  fGG:  :i  Gi:  :GGK                                                 ifiKf:    :GG:Ki   f#f
                                  :fGG:   iiGi  ifKGi                                                iKfG        fGG:ff :Ki
                                   :K#G   :i   ifff:                                                  iGG        Gf: iGiG:
                                     fG :iiff: :G#                                                     fG      ff      :G
                                    :G#KKf   :ffiGf:                                                   f#iiiGGff:  :fGKfiKi
                               :iiiffG#G::GGKGfffG:fGfi:                                                :iii:fi :fKKf: iiGKG
                             :ffK#Kf iKKGf:f::ffiG  :##Gff:                                                   GGKKf:iffKG:f#
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                      iKGi:     iKKff  GKKG#GfGGf fGiKG   iiiGGGf                                           G#KGffKGiiiiGi: iKG
                      K#f      iKiii   :GKG#Kiii  :fGG#:      iiKf                                          ##ffiGf:      :ii:iG:
                      Kff      fKiii    :G###KG   :iiGG:     ii iG                                          #Kiif:          :fi#G:
                     ff :i      :ifi      ###G:   :fGi:      ff  fi                                        iKfiGi             ff#K
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                    f#   fKi        :fG:  iG   iii           f  ::Kf                                     :fi  G:              iff#
                    #f   :GKGGGGGGGGGfi:fGf fGfifiiiiGGiiiGff    ffKi                                    Kf   G:               ff#
                   iKi    iKKGGGGGGGi f iKGf              fff    :GGG                                   :Giiii#f               KKK
                  :Gf      :f  G#i    f fGKGi  :      fG: G##     KK#                                   ffff fff            G:f##f
                  f#:      iKffiiiii: f ffii:  ffiifGffGfiGG#     G##                                   fG#GiGfKi           Gff#G:
                 iKG       f#f GiiGGiGf ff     fG:  f  ff GGG     f##                                   fKGfG#f#f           :G#G:
                 f#f      :G#f f  ff ff ffiii  ff   f  ff ##f     iK#                                   fKi fGK#f            f#i
                 fKi     iK##f f  ii ff ff:::  ff   f  ff ##f      f#                                   f#f  f##f            f#
                 fKi     GKK#G:f     ff ff     ff   f  ff #G:      fG                                   fGfi :##f            f#
                 f#f    :G:ff#GfiifGii: if:i:  :ffiiiGGfii#G:      ff                                   fGKKii###            iK
                 f#f   iK  iKG:          f::i             ##f      f#                                   ff     f#            f#
                 f#f  :GK   #f           f                K#f      f#                                   ff     :Gi          :G#
                 f#f  fKi  iG:           f :              f#G      iK                                   ff      ff          fKK
                 f#f  ::   f        ::   ffGf             :Gf      :G                                   fi     :G          :fGG
                 f#f      fG        f:   f       f         fG      f#                                   fiiiiiiG#         iff##:
                 f#f     iKGi      i:    f       f        iG#      f#                                  :GiiiiiiGG        if:GGGf
                 f#f     f#Kiiifi if     f       if    iiiGG#      ff                                  f#     iKf       ::  #f:G:
                 iKf     Gf     :ff:     f        Gi:ff:  iiG      ff                                  f#iiiii##f          if  #f
                  ff     G:              f                 f#     iKf                                 iKf:    G#f          ff  #Ki
                  fG     f               f                 f#     f#f                                 f#f     fKi         :G:  G#f
                  f#     f               f                 f#     ff                                  f#f     ff          f#   f#f
                  :G:    f               f                 f#     Kf                                  :Gf     ff         iKf   f#K
                   ff    f               f                 f#     #f                                   fG     ff         G#f   :G#
                   :K#GGKf               f                 f#fiiiif                                    f#     ff         #f     f#
                    ff  ff               f                 f#   fG:                                    f#     Gf        :#f     :G:
                    Ki:::Kfii:           f:        :iiiiifGKG iiff                                    :G#     Kf        ff       ff
                    Giff ##KGfiGGGGGiiiiiGKGGGGGGGGK#GGGfi##fiGiff                                    f##     GGGGfiiiiiG:      :Gf
                     iffi##f              #f       ff    f#f:fi:f:                                    f##iii:Gi     iii##GGGGGGGGf:
                      :fGK#K     ::       #f       ff    f###fff                                        :#GiG#fi       f# f#
                         f##     ff       #f       ff    f#f                                             #f f##f:fifKGGGi f#
                         f##     ff       #f       ff   :GG:                                             #f :G#f f ffff:  f#
                         :G#     ff       #f            f#f                                              #f   :iiii:      f#
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                          iKf    ff      f##      ff    f#:                                              fG:             :G#
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                            #f    ff    iK ff     ff   #G:                                                f#              f#
                            #Ki   ff    f# ff          #f                                                  fi             :G
                            f#f   ff    f#iK:          #f                                                  ff              f:
                            f#f   ff    f#f#          iKi                                                  :Ki             ff
                            f#f   ff    f#f#      f   ff                                                    KG             :G:
                            :G#         f#f#      f   ff                                                    f#              #f
                             f#         f#f#      f   ff                                                    :Gi             Kf
                             f#         f#f#      f  f#                                                      iG:            f#f
                             f#i   :    f#f#      i  f#                                                       #f            f#f
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                              ff   f    :GKf     :   #G                                                       #f             fG
                              ff   f     f#f     f   #f                                                       #f             f#
                              i#f  f     f#f     f   Ki                                                       #f             f#
                               #f  f     ff      f  ff                                                        Kf             f#
                               #f  f     ff      f  ff                                                        KKi            f#
                               #f  f     ff      f :Gi                                                        f#f            f#
                               KK        ff      f f#                                                         f#f            f#
                               f#        ff      i f#                                                         f#f            f#
                               iGGfiiifGGKKGfii iifKG                                                   :iiiiiG#f            f#
                               :ffiiii:  :#f :ifGGffK:                                                fKK    : f#            f#
                              :Kfi:    KKG#KKf:  :iiiKi                                               fff###GGGfifGGfGGfiiiifK#
                             iKfii:    #GfiiK#f  :iiifG                                               :iiGGGKf:     :iiifGGGfKG
                             f#fiiiiGGKG:   iKKiiiiiiGK:                                            :Gfiiii:       :ifGGGGGffKf
                             iffKKGfffi      :ffG##Giif                                             iK##KGGfifGGG##KGfifiiifGGi

See also: Parade Rest, Stand At Ease, At Ease, Rest
