It's been up in the catbox topic for a couple of days, but I wanted to record for posterity and make myself available for inquiries about Ouroboros, who passed away early Monday morning.

Currently, Matthew's family and close friends are in the process of planning a memorial service, which will be held in Portland, where he spent the last nine years of his life, most likely this weekend. I will share details publicly on Google+, which will also be relayed on Twitter and Facebook, as soon as I have them. We are also setting up a site where people can post stories about Matthew, and folks have been posting short memories on Twitter, which will be archived and printed for display at his memorial. We will also be accepting donations to help defray the cost of funeral expenses, and to help pay Matthew's share of the rent in the home where he, atesh and I were housemates at the time of his passing; this will enable us to stay in the home while we deal with Matthew's personal possessions and contemplate next steps. Either I or someone else will post the relevant links as they go up.

In the brief public announcement I made about Matthew's death yesterday, I did not refer to the manner of death, more for brevity's sake than because we wanted it to be kept secret. I shouldn't be surprised to have received so many questions, given that Matthew was a young man (he had just celebrated his 40th birthday) and in relatively good health. I am sad to say that Matthew found himself overwhelmed by the events of a very stressful year and chose to end his life.

As I collect my thoughts about that, I think I will have more to say; I believe the stigma we attach to suicide and its attendant issues creates a barrier to people getting help and talking through their pain, and I want very badly to see that stigma reduced. I don't know how to say it in a way that reflects how important this is to me yet. Just: Ask. For. Help. Don't be afraid to be a burden. Do everything you need to do to keep breathing.

UPDATE: Matthew's memorial will be from 1 to 4 p.m. this Saturday, May 18 in Portland. Memories, photos, recordings, etc. can also be shared at