Despite being a "Hot Springs Penguin", Pen-Pen lives in a refrigerator, and wears a portable air-conditioner on his back.

Was given to the Horaki family (Hikari Horaki) before Misato Katsuragi's untimely demise, and Instrumentality (see also: Human Complementation Project).

His fate after Instrumentality is unknown, although if you assume he has no human or angelic properties (and is therefore unaffected), then he becomes the Ruler of Earth by default. And a very lonely one at that. There is of course the possibility that Pen-Pen was created from (or contains the soul of), a Human, an Angel, or God. This IS Neon Genesis Evangelion ya know. =]


  • Misato's cooking (she can't cook ramen?! Thats my kinda girl)
Indifferent to just about everyone/everything else.