user since
Mon Jul 21 2003 at 01:48:26 (21.7 years ago )
last seen
Wed Nov 5 2003 at 21:59:06 (21.4 years ago )
number of write-ups
9 - View gundamtsubasa's writeups (feed)
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 77
mission drive within everything
Taoism, Chinese Philosophy, Japanese culture, submarines, nuclear power
Indiana University
We choose our own fate.
most recent writeup
Shimming for Bonanza
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I'm not sick of humanity. I'm just sick of people. I consider myself a humanist, someone who thinks that dividing people up into gender, religion, nationality, race, and the like is not just silly, but seriously detrimental to progress. Seeing all of the nationalism and other hate crimes out there, how can I be anything other than a little bitter? I live in a world where a warmonger hungry for power runs my frigging country and people are more concerned about who will win the next American Idol than insane dictators who have their finger on the button, ready to nuke us all back into the 1980s.

The Onion seems to be one of the only sources in the giant corrupt conglomerate that is mass media that still believe in telling it how it is.

When did people stop caring about Truth? When did ratings for the news matter more than the accuracy of the reports?

Mass media is bad (particularly FoxNews), but you people are worse for allowing them to get away with it. You don't even notice, so long as they keep you hopped up with "important" things like who got kicked off the island.

Why don't we just skip this intermediary reality show garbage and just go directly to what we all want? -- old school gladitorial combat, with lots of blood and gore.

Big money! Big prizes! I love it!