user since
Fri Nov 2 2001 at 21:11:56 (23.4 years ago )
last seen
Tue Sep 22 2015 at 18:56:35 (9.5 years ago )
number of write-ups
77 - View glindsey's writeups (feed)
level / experience
8 (Encyclopedist) / 3806
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
To disseminate accurate knowledge in an entertaining way. Oh, and daylog.
Computers that you don't know are there
SSI Embedded Systems
Failure is not a given. Success is within reach. Don't give up.
most recent writeup
October 30, 2009
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Hello, and welcome. My name is Greg. My nick here is "glindsey", but that is only due to my E2 account being so old. My usual nick is "Gregly" thanks to a friend's pronunciation error about five years ago. My Hobby Of The Moment is amateur robotics, although the farthest I have gotten is sticking some motors inside the chassis of an old Macintosh II. This has been on hold for, oh, about two years now, due to lack of space, lack of money, and sudden introduction of fatherhood into the mix.

I have a baby toddler daughter! If you have one you know what it is like. If you don't, no amount of explanation will suffice.

I used to have a bunch of other junk here, but it was really pointless and/or outdated, so I got rid of it. All you need to know are these things:

  1. Although I only know two folks here personally, I know E2 has some of the best folks in the world, and I thank you all for being who you are.
  2. My father was the most amazing guy I've ever known, and if I'm half the father that he was, I will be a very lucky guy.
  3. Bad thinking: "Failure is inevitable." Good thinking: "Success is within your grasp." It is all about the attitude.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to administer some punishment to a C++ compiler.

"Cool Man Eddie says Hey, sweet! Someone likes multiple lipomatosis!" Good, then that person can have it.