Notes from the Surf

Lighter in Blender (Video)
I once had a similar effect dumping water into a pot of burning oil - don't try that at home either...

Vancouver - also known as Cloud City (Pic)'s one without spaceships

Backflip on a big wheel (Video)
The next Xtreme sport?

Cost of health care around the world
Life expectancy graphed against per capita spending.

Iraq for Sale "banned in Congress" (Video)
You and your children's tax dollars at work.

Secret Documents Show US Aware of Colombian Army Killings in 1990s
"When the killings became more and more widespread, the armed forces themselves asked the paramilitaries to hide the remains, to keep the country’s homicide rate from soaring any further"

Privatisation killed one million behind former Iron Curtain
Researchers "conclude that as many as one million working-age men died due to the economic shock of mass privatisation policies."

"Unarrested" at RNC 2008 (Video)
"Cop Heroically Sprays Mace Indescriminately At Crowd In Retaliation"

Violent unrest rocks China as crisis hits
"television journalists were punished after they prepared a story on the occupation of a textile mill by 6,000 workers."

Influences on Chicago occupation: Land occupations in Brazil, worker-run co-ops in Venezuela, Argentine factory occupations
"On the other hand, for this event to be a spark others will have to pick up the baton."