user since
Fri Jul 16 1999 at 09:49:44 (25 years ago )
last seen
Mon Dec 12 2011 at 21:15:26 (12.6 years ago )
number of write-ups
1 - View gamaiun's writeups (feed)
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
most recent writeup
Trouble on Triton
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gamaiun's this boy, see? immigrated from the USSR, now lives in Cleveland, and hopes to visit another planet before he dies (wich means, hurry up with the space program, people!). He likes people, fiercely intelligent books, crafty things (like co.mputers), and girls. He believes in beauty and elegance of code. Believes a lot of other things, but is too lazy to talk about them here. Spam him (selectively) at He believes that he's on his last lifetime this time around. Go At some point this summer, he'll finish his homepage, so uh.. you know. wait with baited breath?.