user since
Tue Jan 18 2000 at 04:21:58 (24.5 years ago )
last seen
Sun Sep 12 2004 at 02:14:48 (19.9 years ago )
number of write-ups
94 - View ferrouslepidoptera's writeups (feed)
level / experience
6 (Artificer) / 2139
mission drive within everything
Mission drive? I'm not that ambitions
unix, guitar, recreational computing
Bang the head that doesn't bang!
most recent writeup
Tunings for the five string banjo
Send private message to ferrouslepidoptera

Perhaps this is blatant nodevertising and a violation of some kind of E2 etiquette, but you're the one who came looking here at my node for some reason, and this is my node, so I'm going to presume that can put whatever I want here within reason.

Here is a list of my favorite nodes that I've written, in no particular order, and without regard to whatever arbitrary reputation they have been assigned by the infinity of crack-smoking chimps that frequent E2. (no offense, the infinite monkeys algorithm works equally well whether the monkeys are smoking crack or if they're chimps instead of monkeys.)

Hmm. Lately I've noticed the more write-ups I write in a day, the lamer they are. I think I'm going to try limiting myself to one write up a day. Furthermore, I'm going to write that write-up offline, sit on it for awhile, chew on it, see if I still like it, then paste it in here if and only if I do. I'm spending too much time on here anyway.

Hmm, I wonder what these guys are using for backups. They tell us to node for the ages. Do they have a sysadmin that's admin'ing for the ages? I wonder. And the financial model of this place worries me. Node for the ages. And if this company doesn't make money? (Are they making money? How?) What happens to their servers and all the nodes? Backup tapes won't help much in that eventuality. Just wondering. (I'm a unix sysadmin, it's my job to be paranoid).

Ok, In a drunken stupor I managed to find out a bit about the backups. See What the hell happens to E2 at 2:15am PDT?

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My beautiful Les Paul.

I made this with a camera, a scanner, The Gimp, and gifscii, and oh yeah, vi to make it into html.