user since
Sat Jun 3 2006 at 22:19:36 (18.8 years ago )
last seen
Wed Jul 1 2009 at 05:42:58 (15.7 years ago )
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1 - View et cetera's writeups (feed)
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mission drive within everything
A man cant avoid what he is meant to do, when he is meant to do it, even if he doesnt really want to.
university of iowa
Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
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emergent properties
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i am a student at the university of iowa. i like lots of things, including pizza (and dont you forget it). the way is see it is that time is money and money is pizza therefor we must conclude that time is infact pizza (general relativity my ass). but in all lack of seriousness, i have come to write and offer some of my very own humble opinions. I have nothing else to declare except my own genius (Oscar Wilde).

p.s. If you can't understand something that I write then either I am at fault (which happens from time to time) or you are just ignorant and need to consult a dictionary and those other things commonly known as "books"