user since
Wed Jul 15 1998 at 20:01:41 (26.2 years ago )
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never (?)
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0 (Initiate) / -60
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This Everything thing seems like a neato idea. I too often fall into the habit of consuming and not contributing however, so we shall see how often my homenode gets updated. If it's like December 1998 or something and this is still on my hom.e node at least you... everything traveler... will know what's going on.

At any rate, I'm heading back to the FAQ to figure out how to add links'n'stuff (tm)

Oh, and about myself, hrm..

Well, I'm probably fairly typical for most slash.lashdot readers.

I'm into playing around with hardware, It's rare that a machine I own has a cover on it as I'm always pulling thing out, putting new things in and generally tinkering around under the hood.

I hack about with Linux in my <.y copious amounts of free time

Oh, And I do like Brian Eno