user since
Tue Nov 21 2006 at 03:13:28 (18.3 years ago )
last seen
Wed Nov 22 2006 at 02:26:29 (18.3 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
Be skinny. Be beautiful.
Putting myself down. That'll help.
Nothing feels as good as skinny feels.
Send private message to die to be thin 14

I'd do anything. I'm just not sure I can motivate myself. Every time I walk into the lunch room I'm like, "Michelle do not go sit down. You knew this would happen. O great. You sat." Then I eat, and then I feel disqusting. I hate myself. I've started putting things into perspective, and I get so mad at people that I hardly have any friends because I have pushed their love away. I don't want them anymore, though. Them, their skinny legs and firm tummys.. they make me sick.

my poem..


it echoes in her head.
reverberating there,
screaming, torturing, and
threatening her young life.
that smooth, cold, hard mirror;
best friend, yet biggest fear.
her face distorted from
that single syllable,
falling, drifting, floating
around her troubled mind.
her translucent skin shines.
tears burn as she whispers
the minute word she fears.