Well, what can I say about myself? As you probably know if you've been reading the above a little more carefully, I'm a guy, and my name has nothing whatsoever to do with Dido the queen of Carthage, or Dido the cute British singer. It's not even pronounced the same: my name goes 'Dee-Doh' if you'd like to say it to yourself. Anyhow, I have this name because someone around while I was born had a weird sense of humor... On the day I was born, a major typhoon was raging, and the local weather services called the tempest 'Didang'. Well, you can guess the rest of what happened to me from there I think. I'm long past the stage of being insecure because I got a weird name, but I'll thank you if you don't tease me about it.
-----BEGIN NODE CODE BLOCK----- Version: 0.1.2 NF l+ xp n+ C H+ c+ e+ # d p g- N ------END NODE CODE BLOCK------